Tuesday, February 10, 2009

the end of my straightner problem. . . i hope

I was talking/yelling at my mom this morning because my bangs were all curly and wavy so she said i'll have to pay it off with work. I hope not to much work, but there are child labor laws. lol So I might be getting my striaghtner either tonight or tomorrow.:)(:
My math teacher is pregnent again!!!!! She just had a baby not that long ago so it's like wowsers!!!!! We were going to tepe her room with toilet paper but mr. r said no because he's afriad of pregnent women. lolzies. So now we are tepeing Mrs. H who was my math teacher last year. YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!! Well i gotta go do home work so buh-bye!

xoxo mary xoxo